Thursday, July 22, 2021

Review of the Audacity Capital UK Trading Firm Funded Account: 1:5 Leverage : Starting Balance: $15,000.00

Did well last week and was able to close smoothly with minimal profit loss with my custom Expert Advisor. Recovered $1224.54 from the end of June to Today's date in July.

To view in detail, click on the screenshots below:

Snapshot of Various Brokers of 2020: Tradersway and UOB Brokers.

Tradersway Brokerage (UK, China, DR): 

Live Account 573085: (3/20-4/10) 1637 Trades. 1366 Profitable. 83.45.% Profitability. 

 Live Account 582479: (4/07-5/04) 117 Trades. 98 Profitable. 83.76% Profitability. 

 Live Account 582477: (4/06-5/01) 219 Trades. 198 Profitable. 90.41% Profitability. 

 Live Account 582473: (4/06-5/07) 795 Trades. 670 Profitable. 84.28% Profitability. 

 Live Account 573169: (5/12-5/14) 492 Trades. 398 Profitable. 80.89% Profitability. 

UOB (Utrade) Brokerage (Singapore,HK,Asia): 

 Demo Account 80008516: (5/11-5/14) 708 Trades. 703 Profitable. 99.29% Profitability.